Scouts (10.5-14)
What are Scouts?
Scouts are boys and girls between 10 and 14 years old. The next step up from the Cub Pack is the Scout Troop.
The Troop is made up of Patrols, named after birds or animals. Each Patrol is led by a Patrol Leader and in their absence the Assistant Patrol Leader.
The Scout section emphasis is on Fun and Adventure. This is achieved through our weekly Troop meetings as well as a variety of camps throughout the year.
The Scouts take part in Patrol activities, learning new skills and trying new skills such as canoeing and abseiling. They also get the chance to take part in competitions with Scouts from other Groups.
What do Scouts do?
The question should be “what don’t Scouts do?” Activities range from climbing to camping, hiking to hill walking and from swimming to sailing! Basically, if you want to do something then we’ll try our hardest to make sure that you can!