District Team

Team Harrow

Senior Leadership Team

Tyler Skerton
District Lead Volunteer

Scouting has been part of my lift since joining 2nd Rayners Lane Beavers at the age of 7. I enjoyed so much of it through Cubs, Scouts & Explorers that at 18, I decided to become an Assistant Scout Leader at my local group. Since then I have completed my Queens Scout Award and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award as well as organised lots of camps and trips abroad.

Being DC is an great role in Scouting and I am devoted to growing the movement as well as supporting all of my leaders right across the District. The DC looks after and is responsible for all of the Scout groups within the District, making sure that we offer the best Scouting possible in Harrow!

By day, I am a Senior Project Manager for an consultancy company, focusing on building medium to large sized engineering projects in infrastructure . I recently undertook a part-time Masters degree alongside my work and enjoy volunteering with the London Ambulance Service as an Emergency Responder. When I am not volunteering or working I love skiing and making best use of the outdoors, whilst also enjoying music as a amateur DJ!

Reshma Patel
14 to 24 Team Leader
Paul Turner
Volunteer Development Team Leader

I started Scouts back as a cub in 1971 in the 13th Roxeth Scout Group (Beavers wasn’t around then) and progressed through youth sections and gained my Queen Scout Award in 1984 whilst in the Roxeth Venture Scouts (pre-explorers). In 1979, I was approached by the Scout leader at the 1st Roxeth to help at a camp and have been there ever since!

Scouting has been part of my life for many years, my father was also a Group Scout Leader. It is great to see the development of the young people as they progress through the sections and learning the various skills for life. The similes on their faces when they achieve the challenges is always a great sight!

Over the years I have had a number of appointments including Assistant cub leader, Cub Leader, Group Scout Leader, Assistant District Commissioner (Activities) and became District Commissioner of the previous Harrow & Wealdstone District in April 2018.
Outside of Scouts I help with a couple of Drama groups doing lighting/sound/stage management. I also help with a music school (Harrow Young Musicians) organising the movement of all the instruments and equipment to concerts. One of my highlights is going on tour to Venice every year.

Outside of volunteering, I work at the University of Westminster as a Technician at the School of the Computer Science and have done so for over 30 years.

Gillan Barnard
Programme Team Leader
Alan Sims
Support Team Leader

District Team

Alex Stanisci-Brown
Explorer Team Leader
Tiyan Patel
Network Team Leader
Stuart Hogge
Learning Lead
Caroline Latham
Harrow Scout & Guide Swimming Club Manager
Ian Parkinson
Harrow Scouts Activity Club Manager
Ethan Emmett
Fleet Manager
Helen Guerin
Badge Secretary (East)
Susan Jenkins
Scout Active Support Manager
Ashley Martin
Awards Committee Chair
Richard Gross
Young Leader Team Leader

Trustee Board

Jennifer Grogan
Chair of the Trustee Board
Ian McLuckie

I attended Harrow County School in the early fifties and my main Scouting was at the 4th Harrow Merrymen, both Junior and Senior Troops. I was also for a short time in the 4th Rover Crew, and attended JIM in (Jamboree, Indaba and Moot) 1957.

In the late 1950s I helped with the 1st Brockley Hill Scout Group at Stanmore Orthopaedic Hospital on Sunday mornings but as a change from my normal Group activity, I worked on the Scout Ward.

In the mid-fifties, the 13th Harrow Group restarted at my Church in Station Road and I got involved in the Cub section, first as an Instructor, and later as a Leader. I spent all my uniformed service in the Cub section, with occasional stints as GSL. In 1983 I played a major part in the merger of the 13th and 21st Harrow Groups. I stood down from CSL in 2003, continuing to assist in the Cubs for some years.

Since 2010 I have been President of the 13th/21st Harrow Group and from 2004, I have served as District Secretary, which is my main role in Scouts. As a trustee, I am responsible for the effective governance of the district; coordinating meetings and ensuring the minutes and documentation is appropriately managed.

In the early sixties I was a member of the International Scout Club and was privileged to have been on the judging panels of some of the earlier European Explorer Belt Expeditions, as well as the Blood hound Expedition of 1965.  After this trip, I withdrew from International scouting due to Family commitments.

I have been involved in the admin side of the Harrow Scout and Guide Swimming Club for over 35 years, and on their Committee for most of that time.
In 2012, in their Centenary year, I was invited to become as Honorary Member of my original Group the 4th Harrow.

Outside Scouting apart from family, my interests are mainly Church, and Music related.  My wife Liz and I have been active in Trinity Church for many years, both serving as Elders, and I sometimes play the Organ for Services. We are also Patrons of Trinity Orchestra and Grimsdyke Brass Band.

Alkesh Shah
Chris Read
Jonny Jones
Rob Jenkins
Alison Jacobs
Charlotte Clark
Trustee / District Administrator
Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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